What is difference between deep mouth Parabolic softbox and ordinary softbox?

Deep mouth softbox and ordinary softbox difference is the depth of effect is different.


Deep mouth parabolic softbox, the light center to the edge of the transition situation, the contrast between light and dark further reduced. Compared to the shallow softbox, deep mouth softbox parabolic design makes the number of light reflections increase, thus more soft, but from the mouth of the box out of the light and more directional than the shallow mouth.


Projection area light from the center to the edge of the change in proportion to the level of rich, while the shallow mouth out of the effect, the center and the edge of the contrast between the brightness of the difference to be larger. Therefore, whether in the light-emitting area, soft light effect or light control of the three points, the deep mouth parabolic soft box are completely up a level.

Post time: Jul-04-2023