Sistem Teleprompter ageung MagicLine X22 Siaran Pidéo Prompter Audio Tv 22 Inci Monitor HD lengkep Pikeun Studio Wawancara
MagicLine X22 Autocue prompter Produsen Supply 22 inci otomatis-mirror siaran teleprompter pikeun Studio teleprompter profésional
MagicLine Teleprompter 16 ″ Beamsplitter Aluminium Alloy Foldable Desain
MagicLine Teleprompter X16 sareng RT113 Remote & App Control, 16″ Beamsplitter, Aluminium Alloy Foldable Design, QR Plate Cocog sareng Manfrotto 501PL iPad Android Tablet Camera Camcorder Nepi ka 44lb/20kg
MagicLine 14″ Lipat Aluminium Alloy Teleprompter Beam Splitter 70/30 Kaca
MagicLine Teleprompter X14 sareng RT-110 Remote & APP Control (Bluetooth Connection via NEEWER Teleprompter App), Portable No Assembly Cocog sareng iPad Android Tablet, Smartphone, Kamera DSLR
MagicLine Sadaya Konstruksi Metal 12 inci Teleprompter
MagicLine X12 12 inci Aluminium Alloy Teleprompter pikeun iPad Tablet Smartphone Kaméra DSLR sareng Remote Control, Carry Case, APP Cocog sareng ios / Android pikeun Pangajaran Online / Vlogger / Live Streaming
MagicLine 10 Telepon inci DSLR kaméra ngarekam Teleprompter
1. High-definition Display- The MagicLine teleprompter pitur eunteung reflective tinggi single-sided kalawan transmittance lampu tinggi, nyadiakeun pangalaman ajakan jelas tur ngaminimalkeun gangguan kalayan rekaman video.
2. Wireless Remote Control- teleprompter Ieu hadir kalawan kadali jauh merenah nu nyambung ka smartphone Anjeun atawa tablet via Bluetooth, ngamungkinkeun Anjeun pikeun muterkeun / ngareureuhkeun, nyepetkeun, atawa ngalambatkeun turun garis kalawan betah.
3. Gampang Majelis- Kalawan parentah instalasi jelas, anu teleprompter MagicLine bisa nyetél dina menit, mastikeun pangalaman repot-gratis pikeun pamaké.
4. Kasaluyuan Wide- Dirancang sareng layar 7.95″ × 5.68″ / 20.2 × 14.5cm, teleprompter mini ieu cocog sareng sajumlah alat kalebet iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPad Mini, Galaxy S21+, sareng Galaxy Note 20, nawiskeun pilihan pamakean anu serbaguna.
5. Operasi merenah- The MagicLine teleprompter nyadiakeun pangalaman ramah-pamaké, sahingga hiji pilihan idéal pikeun professional sarta beginners sapuk, kalawan desain intuitif sarta fungsionalitas seamless.